Topic: Employee Recognition


Employee Recognition Horror Stories: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Employee Recognition Horror Stories: Common Mistakes to Avoid

It’s easy to say “thank you” for a job well done, right? Doesn’t showing appreciation come naturally, especially to leaders?

Not necessarily. While most leaders (and peers) want to recognise great work when it happens, so many things can go wrong. Not everyone knows why recognition is important, when to give recognition, or the best way to do it. In fact, there are plenty of horror stories of recognition and appreciation gone wrong. And there are common, preventable mistakes that led to each of these stories. Companies that avoid these mistakes can use recognition to appreciate and inspire their people and create a company culture where employees thrive.

Join Todd Nordstrom, Director at the O.C. Tanner Institute, on Wednesday, October 16th at 2pm EST, as he shares some recognition horror stories and common mistakes that led to them. You’ll walk away with best practices in employee recognition and connecting with your people.

Join us to learn:

  • Common mistakes leaders and employees can avoid when giving recognition in the workplace
  • Best practices for creating great recognition experiences
  • How to use recognition to connect with your people and build a thriving workplace culture

Register for the webinar here:

About The Speakers:
Todd NordstromTodd Nordstrom

Todd Nordstrom

Todd Nordstrom

As a weekly contributor to,, Director for the O.C. Tanner Institute, and Co-Author of Appreciate, Todd Nordstrom’s career is full of insight based on thousands of in-depth interviews from around the globe. He has spoken to a wide range of audiences, from introducing rock bands in arenas, to countless on-air interviews with c-suite leaders from a plethora of industries, to all types of executives attending conferences around the world.

Todd Nordstrom

Todd Nordstrom

As a weekly contributor to,, Director for the O.C. Tanner Institute, and Co-Author of Appreciate, Todd Nordstrom’s career is full of insight based on thousands of in-depth interviews from around the globe. He has spoken to a wide range of audiences, from introducing rock bands in arenas, to countless on-air interviews with c-suite leaders from a plethora of industries, to all types of executives attending conferences around the world.

SHRM Certification
HRCI Certification
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