Topic: Employee Recognition


Deepening Recognition’s Impact With Nick Rosenthal

season 3, episode 12

Welcome to The Work Place, where we talk about the cultures we work in, and how to make them better for everyone. I’m Andrew Scarcella.

This episode, we’re talking with Nick Rosenthal from Capital One about how they’re adapting to new challenges, embracing new technologies, and using recognition to keep their people connected and their culture human.

Join us after the interview for Tangible Takeaways, where we’ll talk about the ideas and actions we can take with us and implement our own workplace cultures.

Nick Rosenthal is a Senior Associate in HR Compensation at Capital One. An 18 year veteran, Nick’s work on the Total Rewards team building and promoting strategies for recognition and appreciation have influenced and improved the culture of the international bank over the years, turning it into the kind of workplace people all over the world want to be a part of.

Nick was interviewed by our former Executive Producer and current Executive Producer in exile, Katie Clifford, so I’ll just say that we wanted to talk with Nick because Capital One has had a unique and successful journey in creating their workplace culture. And there’s really nothing like listening to someone who’s on the frontline, doing the day to day work of shaping an intentional, global culture.

Tangible Takeaways:

Now it’s time for tangible takeaways, where we take big ideas out to the local art house cinema for a midnight screening of a black and white classic, stopping at the concession stand for necessaries, nachos with extra cheese and jalapenos, large popcorn extra butter light salt, and two medium cokes—no ice—before expertly side-shuffling into the seats our friend saved: centre row, 2/3rds back, just managing to turn our cellphones to silent as the lurid, morally ambiguous murder mystery begins to unfold on the big screen.

1. The first is that recognition doesn’t have to be for a major accomplishment or milestone. In fact, recognising someone for the work they do every day can be even more meaningful because it comes from a place of familiarity and friendship. Whether it takes 5 minutes or 5 seconds, showing someone that you really see them and the work they do every day can create a lasting impression in our minds that we are valued for everything we do, not just the breakthroughs.

2. The second is that if you’re struggling to find the right words to recognise someone, don’t put it off until you’ve had a chance to polish and perfect your words of gratitude. If all other words fail you, simply say “thank you.” These two words can have an oversized impact on people and how they connect to their work.

3. The third is that from time to time, it’s important to recognise that person who keeps us going day after day, persevering through thick and thin to keep our heads above water while carrying all of our personal baggage. I’m talking, of course, about ourselves. Showing ourselves gratitude for the work we do and the tenacity with which we do it can help restore our vitality and give us a break from the constant self-judgement that many of us can’t help but levy against ourselves. So go ahead, give yourself a high-five right now as a token of gratitude for all you do.

As always, this episode was written and produced by yours truly—with original music and sound design by Daniel Foster Smith.

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The Work Place is sponsored by O.C. Tanner, the global leader in engaging workplace cultures. O.C. Tanner’s Culture Cloud provides a single, modular suite of apps for influencing and improving employee experiences through recognition, career anniversaries, wellbeing, leadership, and more.

If you want your organisation to become a place where people can’t wait to come to work in the morning, go to

related Resources

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