Topic: Employee Recognition


Healthcare Organisation: Making Care Easier Through a Culture of Recognition

Healthcare Organisation
A medical team attends a meeting in an office


With almost 50,000 employees, this healthcare system wanted to ensure that their employees felt cared for while also connecting to their mission: Making healthcare easier, so life can be better. But there was not a system-wide, online recognition program that could be accessed by all employees.

“The more we can demonstrate that employees are important, the more that will reflect upon the people who come and use our facilities.”
—CEO, Healthcare organisation

While there were homegrown programs that were used around their hundreds of different locations, recognition was never centralized or went beyond the four walls of a specific location. There was also no way for their over 5,000 volunteers to be recognized for their contributions. “We get many comments every week from customers who really appreciate their caregivers,” says their Chief Human Resources Officer, “and wonder if it’s going to get to the right person.” The organisation needed a recognition program that would make it easy to recognise employees and volunteers all over the company, whether they were in the next room or in the next state.


By partnering with O.C. Tanner, the healthcare organisation found a way to easily and effectively recognise employees and teams across every department and location. By implementing a new recognition program, everyone has the opportunity to recognise and appreciate one another and connect great work back to the organisation’s core values.

The organisation also wanted to put that same power of appreciation into the hands of those they serve, their valued customers. Appreciation Stations were set up inside several of their facilities for customers, family members, and friends to recognise their caregivers directly by writing notes of thanks.


The organisation is now a place where customers and their families can feel a culture of appreciation the moment they walk in the doors. “Today, I think what is occurring, we are now seeing this becoming part of the fabric of the organisation, rather than some add-on project, some add-on tactic,” says their CEO and President. “It’s now starting to filter out into the organisation as an expectation of our culture. Over 20,000 ecards are now sent each month throughout the organisation, to employees and volunteers who have been recognized for making a difference in the lives of their customers and community.‍

Outcomes are everything.
We'd love to share what we have helped this healthcare organisation and thousands of other companies achieve. Reach out to us to start your employee recognition journey.

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