Season 1

Working on the Factory Floor

Catch a glimpse at what happens every day on the O.C. Tanner Factory Floor. In this video, you will: -Learn how it is to work on the Factory Floor. -Listen to Lars’ and Rajen’s experience with O.C. Tanner. -How culture impacts an employee’s work experience.

One Piece Flow Exercise

cheque out a simple way to see one piece flow versus batch flow demonstrated by a mix of great employees from O.C. Tanner. Tyson, Gary, and Tolan talk about the principle of one piece flow and the positive effects it has on quality, throughput time, and production output.

Supply Chain Strategy Fair

See the engagement from team members as they share their goals and improvements with each other in a fair setting.

Team Improvement Kata

See how a distribution team uses improvement kata to reduce quality issues.

Think Lean Do Lean | Part 1

In this part one of Think Lean series, you'll discover Lean at a deeper level.

Think Lean Do Lean | Part II

Find out Mike's experience meeting his new mentor and how he began to learn lean within.

Training Using Kanban Cards

You'll see how Kanban cards can effectively produce an even flow of efficient training using the same principle of producing product on the line.

Think Lean Do Lean | Part III

Begin to see the process to think lean.

5S Principles

Practicing 5S can have a large positive impact on the team's experience at work especially if they own and implement the improvement themselves.

Think Lean Do Lean | Part V

Mike talks about how 5S can influence leadership at the top and introduces the 8 wastes. He talks about how 5S can influence real change in an organisation once someone begins to think and do lean correctly without skipping steps. We learn by doing.

Lead, Lag, and Target Condition for Goal Setting

In this video, Mike will define what are lead and lag statements and how to write them. He'll also show us how target conditions can be written to effectively achieve your goals. He gives a couple examples of how to accomplish your objectives using lead, lag, and target conditions.

Think Lean Do Lean | Part VI

In this last and final episode, Mike talks about several examples of waste in leadership and business. He also takes the time to define what is Muda, Mura, and Muri and how it applies to being a great leader. Stick around for this conclusion to a great series.

Abnormalities System to Identify Root Cause

See Benita explain the purpose of an abnormality system and see examples of it happening on the Factory Floor at O.C. Tanner. Carrie also gives us real feedback on how it's working for her and a few suggestions for improvements to the system. Continuous improvement mindset allows systems to get better everyday.

Lean Culture in Manufacturing | Part 1

Four great leaders from the factory floor at O.C. Tanner answer the most common questions from tour visitors such as how do I find great people like those found at O.C. Tanner? How do I enable engagement and improvements to happen?

Lean Culture in Manufacturing | Part 2

In this video our panel answers questions like: Do you pay your people to make improvements? How long will it take an organisation to go on the lean journey? How do you raise expectations for the people in the organisation to make the needed changes?

Lean Culture in Manufacturing | Part 3

In part 3, Gary shares the change he noticed in the people as they were all adopting a more healthy lean culture. He realized the O.C. Tanner people were influencing not just their work place for good, but also their homes and their communities. The production teams began to adopt the principles and philosophies from Obert, the founder, to make the work place beautiful and more comfortable to work for the employees.

Lean Culture in Manufacturing | Part 4

The question is asked, what if someone was to copy everything O.C. Tanner has done so far, is there a shortcut? Tolan answers the question in this last video of a four part series. Gary also shares more incredible stories of the changes that took place over 30 years.

Experience the Factory Floor at O.C. Tanner

cheque out what it's like working in production at O.C. Tanner and what goes on inside the building from the perspectives of six team members and one tour visitor. Hear from a machinist, a team leader, a mill operator, a merchandise receiver, a trophy finisher, and a merchandise customizer.

Leadership Using the Shingo Model

Gary describes in detail the parts of the Shingo Model and how it can change a culture from within the heart and mind of each individual especially the leaders. He also shares a couple stories from his experiences. This is a powerful explanation of what it means to live the Shingo principles.

The Supply Chain Strategy Wall

Gary describes the principles and systems used to allow an engaged improvement process to take place in production owned by the team members themselves who set their own stretch goals and objectives over a six month period. Listen closely to how the process works.

Strategy Deployment End Results

cheque out several examples of team reports on strategy deployment project goals from several teams including Logistics, Safety, and Production. See their engagement as they describe the work they did over a six month period to make significant progress.

Strategy Deployment System

Gary Peterson dives in to explain the strategy development system and how leaders and team members get engaged in the process. Gary gives various examples of past goals the production teams have set, as well as the end result. He shares how leaders embrace and support the process instead of being a hinderance.

Coaching System 1

Adam explains the coaching system and what it represents for the development and growth of our people. It's the foundation of respect for people and helping them identify their intrinsic value and untapped potential. Find out how we find and retain good people through a stickle brick exercise.

Yokoten System

Nate defines the Yokoten system here at O.C. Tanner and how it's currently being administered, but it changes all the time, so in six months it could look different. He also meets with Hyrum to talk about how the Acrylic set of six teams use Yokoten to facilitate a change to all six final assembly stations.

Recruiting Using Stickle Bricks

Every week we run a stickle brick activity to help identify great future employees. This allows us to see the strengths and weaknesses in future candidates. We are able to potentially place folks in the right starting positions that best fit production needs with this exercise.

International Team Members

Listen to Gaby host three interviews with employees who have worked for O.C. Tanner for more than 8 years. Learn how they ended up working for O.C. Tanner. What is it like working on a team with multiple cultures and countries represented? And how do they work together to achieve the same goals?

Maintenance Applies 5S

Listen to Joe talk about his team's collaborative work to make an office area really shine below the tiles and above. Even in Maintenance, we apply the principles of 5S in areas not seen every day. Hear each team member describe their deep understanding and conviction of this important initiative.

Modern Leadership – Interview with Gary Peterson

Gary shares the attributes of a good leader and how to find and develop those leaders to help drive a humble and empowering culture. With good leadership comes an engaged work force of team members who drive their own improvements and seek after results they care about.

Interview with Gary Peterson and Mike Martyn | Part 2

Gary talks about the top 5 systems at O.C. Tanner, which are: 1. Coaching 2. Improvements 3. Strategy Deployment 4. Huddles 5. Gembas

Modern Leadership | Part 3

In part 3 of the modern leadership series, Gary talks about how systems help drive the right behavi​our to remind us to be disciplined until it becomes a part of us. During covid some of our systems struggled and we had to be reminded of their importance.

Modern Leadership | Part 4

Gary answers the top five lagging indicators. He also talks about the top five leading indicators for leadership. As part of a leader standard work, what is the best use of a leader's time and attention? A leader is aware of the energy of the team and how they are doing.