3-Part Series: Strengthening Workplace Community with the 2023 Global Culture Report
Part 2: Leveraging the Power of Symbolism to Amplify Recognition Impact
Dr. Alexander Lovell of the O.C. Tanner Institute

Join thought leaders from the O.C. Tanner Institute for part two of our three-part webinar series exploring in-depth insights from the recently released 2023 Global Culture Report.
As the business landscape adjusts to new models of work and continued workplace changes, having a strong workplace community is more important than ever. Evolving organisations that prioritise employee belonging and connection will be ideally positioned to optimise their talent and lead out on industry-changing innovation.
In part two of the series, Dr. Alexander Lovell of the O.C. Tanner Institute shares his insight on how organisations can leverage culturally aligned integrated recognition with meaningful symbolism to create unparalleled employee experiences. Our research reveals that while high-recognition integration is rare (only 21% of workplaces rank as high-recognition integration cultures), organisations can take small steps today, to increase the frequency and reach of recognition.
Learn more about:
- The role of employees' past experiences and memories in shaping their perception of your recognition program, culture, and employee experience
- How to overcome previously poor experiences by integrating recognition early and often into onboarding, company-wide experiences, and throughout their employee experience
- Why symbolic items are not “stuff,” and how carefully curated collections of symbols amplify the effect of recognition on the business outcomes you care most about
Register for the webinar here:
A political sociologist with more than a decade’s worth of deep methodological, research, and practitioner experience, Dr. Alexander Lovell conducts extensive research on workplace culture, employee experience, and assessment methodologies for the O.C. Tanner Institute. He also curates the perspectives of more than 40,000 leaders and employees, revealing relevant workplace trends for the Institute’s annual Global Culture Report, which is informed by his research in field theory, inter-generational dynamics, and culture change.
His dynamic insights transform the cultures of numerous Fortune 100 and Global 2000 companies as he works to develop targeted culture assessment programs, predictive models, evaluation plans, and listening strategies that help people thrive at work. He finished his doctoral training at the University of Utah and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from American Military University.
A political sociologist with more than a decade’s worth of deep methodological, research, and practitioner experience, Dr. Alexander Lovell conducts extensive research on workplace culture, employee experience, and assessment methodologies for the O.C. Tanner Institute. He also curates the perspectives of more than 40,000 leaders and employees, revealing relevant workplace trends for the Institute’s annual Global Culture Report, which is informed by his research in field theory, inter-generational dynamics, and culture change.
His dynamic insights transform the cultures of numerous Fortune 100 and Global 2000 companies as he works to develop targeted culture assessment programs, predictive models, evaluation plans, and listening strategies that help people thrive at work. He finished his doctoral training at the University of Utah and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from American Military University.
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